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We are dedicated to providing Masternode access to those without the capital or means to.


Masternodes are a big trend and usually grant massive returns shortly after a coin's release. The ability to jump into these ASAP without breaking your entire portfolio is important. We hope to foster trust and a mutual business relationship with those that use our service. we are all in it together, and looking to make our way to provide for ourselves and loved ones!

About Me


I started out with just a small $20 investment into Litecoin and a few weeks later I had a mining rig running and pulling in crypto. Following weeks were spent researching crypto, projects, new coins. Wanting to do more, i ended up here, setting up this service.


What I provide


Secure, professionally ran VPS Masternodes. I'm a Server Admin by trade, and work towards providing the most secure VPS with backups ready to roll in-case any issues arise.



3% of the coins needed for Masternode is minimum accepted for investment.
We provide this service for a 3% fee to cover costs of VPS, and staffing.
Payouts are given on daily basis. This may be subject to change.
Initial investments will be held for 48 hours. If a MN cannot be formed in a timely manner, we will refund upon request at that point



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